Wednesday 8 May 2013

Week 11: Personal Blog: 26.04.13 - 3.05.13

What an eventful week! It was Poland's national holiday this week and my friend, Lütfullah and I booked to travel around Italy during this time.

Duomo di Milano (Milan Cathedral)
From the beginning we ran into difficulties! We realised that the only train available to Wroclaw was leaving at 8.30pm, leaving us in Wroclaw 6 hours earlier than we needed to be! We ended up spending 3 hours in McDonalds and then slept in the airport for 2 hours!

When we got to Milan, we were greeted by rain and wind. Wet and tired, we walked the forty-five minutes to our hostel, the website said a ten minute walk, only to be told we could not get into our rooms for another four hours. Despite our difficulties in Milan, we still managed to enjoy ourselves visiting parks, the cathedral and a bar, of course and it got nicer as the day went on. 

In the main square of Milan

Beautiful day in Venice 

In Venice, we had booked to stay in a campsite on the mainland, as it was cheaper. As it was a little out of the way, we found it difficult to find at first, attempting to hitchhike part of the way. Nonetheless, the next day we traveled to Venice and it was the most beautiful place I have ever been and definitely want to return for longer.

In Bologna we were met by our ‘host’, through the ‘couchsurfing’ website, Anna (Couchsurfing, 2013). She took us on a tour around her city, showing us the historical sites, such as the cathedrals, the Mayors building and the 3 main squares. In the evening, Anna cooked us a delicious authentic Italian dinner and she invited her friends who were German, South Korean and of course Italian!
Our Couchsurfing Host in Bologna, Anna

Unfortunately we were very tired the following day in Florence however I still appreciated the beauty of Florence, especially the views from the bridges overlooking the river. In the evening we bought ingredients and tried to imitate Anna’s beautiful pasta dish in Bologna. That night was very special in Italy as it 30th April, the day before International Worker’s day. In every street corner, bands were playing; people were singing, dancing and laughing, it was a lovely way to remember Florence.
Just before the party started!

At the Spanish Steps
The sun was splitting the trees the following day when we visited Rome. Every corner we turned in Rome seemed to be picturesque, with a story to tell. We got so distracted with Rome we almost missed our flight back to Budapest!

The Colosseum

In Budapest, we booked to stay in a hostel called ‘Grandio Party Hostel’. We arrived at 1am
Grandio Party Hostel
at the door, which was locked. We waited for someone to come and check us in for an hour! Eventually the person on duty woke up. Needless to say, we were a little annoyed. The Hostel itself was very interesting, covered in artistic graffiti; however it was obvious that some of the guests were contributing to this! We enjoyed our day in Budapest walking around the markets and sitting by the river.

We then had to visit Vienna for a day as our train was fully booked to Krakow. We went to a carnival in Vienna. Afterwards, we accidentally walked into, what seemed to be a protest to legalise marijuana! People were walking around with marijuana potted plants in their hands, dancing to drum and bass music, whilst the police stood by and watched. It was very surreal to say the least! I researched this after to find out it is called the ‘Global Marijuana March’ which occurs on the first Saturday in April (Gottfried, 2004).
Vienna Carnival

The Beginning of the Vienna Global Marjuana March

Austrian Man we met
In conclusion, from graffiti covered hostels to Marijuana marches, my eyes were opened on this trip. I was very sad to see the number of people who are homeless and the amount of poverty within Italy, Hungary and Austria. Despite being in tourist destinations, it was still very apparent, we passed many people sleeping in doorways, on park benches, on the subway, with their suitcases and shopping carts beside them. We spoke to an Austrian man who had recently become homeless and he seemed tired, depressed and fed up with life, but was still very friendly to us. I couldn't help but feel guilty for all the luxuries I enjoy in my life, when all he wanted was a place to call home. “Home is a notion that only nations of the homeless fully appreciate and only the uprooted comprehend” (Stegner, 1992).


CS available at; accessed on 03/05/13
Gottfried, T. (2004) ‘The Facts About MarijuanaMarshall Cavendish
Stegner, W. (1992) ‘Angle of Repose’ Penguin

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